Don’t trust the cloud?
You take IT security seriously. You deal with data too valuable to trust to the cloud. But moving files on USB drives exposes you to other risks.
If you have secure offline systems, you need a USB firewall to protect you from malicious USB devices.
Don’t trust your supply chain?
That flash drive has come a long way from the factory overseas. Every USB device contains firmware, and that firmware can bypass your antivirus defenses to infect your computer.
How can you confirm your USB device hasn’t been infected with backdoors or malicious functionality? You can’t.
Introducing the Armadillo
Armadillo protects your secure computers from malicious USB device firmware, preventing supply-chain attacks that no antivirus software can detect. Perfect for use with offline computers, Armadillo's hardware firewall allows only known-safe USB commands to reach your computer.
How does Armadillo protect me?
Armadillo passes USB data through a hardware firewall employing a very simple protocol.
This simplicity means Armadillo is resistant to BadUSB attacks, and protects your computer by:
Blocking malicious USB commands from reaching your computer, so that malformed or unexpected data cannot exploit your operating system's USB drivers.
Protecting your USB device firmware from infection by an malicious computer, preventing BadUSB infections from spreading to your device.
Blocking hidden USB functions that can potentially execute system commands or intercept network traffic. Hidden USB functions can even be hidden inside USB cables. Armadillo allows only one USB function to be active, and prevents re-enumeration as a different function until power is cycled.
Blocking bot-like input from keyboards and mice attempting to enter malicious system commands when you are not at your computer.
Read-Only mode protects files on your storage device from modification by a malicious computer.